Advent Calendar: Leon Seneft

Leon Seneft

No Known Photo
Born before 1868, died somewhere between 1916 and 1922
Lived in: Galicia, Eastern Europe; London, England
Married: Mindel Hilinger
Alec Seneft (later Hilinger)
Annie Seneft
Jennie Seneft
Jack Seneft
? Seneft
(possibly one other)

Leon Seneft was likely born in Eastern Europe. He married Mindel Hilinger and together they had several children, all of whom were likely born in the Germanic state of Galicia. After their children were born, he moved the family away from Galicia, which was quite troubled at the time, and to England. The Family stayed there through World War I before scattering throughout the world, settling not only in Germany, but also in New York, Tennessee, and Canada. And after World War II, several of his descendants even found their way to Israel. We are currently unaware of exactly where Leon was living at the time he died, though it was most likely in London, where he had lived with his wife, or Germany after his eldest son Alec moved there.


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About this blog

This blog is maintained by two sisters who have had a life long interest in geneology.
Mika writes here mostly about our family (Hansen, Hillinger, Bordewick, Park, etc), and her search for more information.
Shannon mostly uses this space as a place to make the many stories written about and by her husband's family (Holly, Walker, Walpole, etc) available to the rest of the family, present and future.

Our blog is named Oh Spusch! mostly because Shannon is bad at naming things. The first post I put up includes a story about the time Walker's great grandfather took his whole family out to see a play and the littlest kept saying "Oh! Spusch!" No one ever figured out what she meant by that.