ANGELL (Norway)

Meaning/Pronunciation: Pronunciation: An-jell Meaning: 1. English: from Middle English angel ‘angel’ (from Latin angelus), probably applied as a nickname for someone of angelic temperament or appearance or for someone who played the part of an angel in a pageant. As a North American surname it may also be an Americanized form of a cognate European surname, as for example Italian Angelo, Rumanian Anghel, Czech Anděl, or Hungarian Angyal. 2. German: ethnic name for a member of a Germanic people on the Jutland peninsula; members of this tribe invaded eastern and northern Britain in the 5th–6th centuries and gave their name to England. See Engel. 3. Slovenian (eastern Slovenia): from the Latin personal name Angelus.

Origin: For my family, this come from the Norwegian branch of the family tree.

Variations: So far in my family tree, I've seen only Angell and Angel, though there may be other variations as listed above.

Relation to me: This is my mother's father's father's father's mother.

i: Angell, Karen, 1835 – 1922, Grono, Helgoland; Hans Bordewick, 5 sons, 3 daughters

ii: Angell, Hans, 1784 – 1845, Rodoy, Nordland, Richardine Klaeboe, 3 daughters

iii: Angel, Rasmus, 1755 – 1791, Heroy, Nordland, Dorothea Ellingsen, 2 sons, 1 daughter

iv: Angel, Hans, ? - ?, Norway?, Ingeborg Michelsdatter Hvid, 1 son known

Looking for:
This line has the privilege of being the first I found any information about online that I didn't already have recorded. I had Karen Dorothea Angell in the Bordewick family tree I was given, but had absolutely nothing before her. The information about Hans and his father and grandfather all came from the Hagerup Family tree site, which got me back much further on both sides of Karen's family. However, I have yet to find sources for this information myself aside from this site. I've sent an email to the maintainer, but I'm not certain if the email still works, so we'll see if he answers.

Either way, I still need information confirming her parents, and his line of descent before her. And I would love information on Hans Rasmussen Angel and his wife Ingeborg. Particularly if they had any other children.


zevelyn June 18, 2015 at 10:15 PM  

search Hans Rasmussen Angell on You'll find information. Also, google angell family in Norway for more information about the family roots.

zevelyn June 18, 2015 at 10:21 PM  

search Hans Rasmussen Angell on You'll find information. Also, google angell family in Norway for more information about the family roots.

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About this blog

This blog is maintained by two sisters who have had a life long interest in geneology.
Mika writes here mostly about our family (Hansen, Hillinger, Bordewick, Park, etc), and her search for more information.
Shannon mostly uses this space as a place to make the many stories written about and by her husband's family (Holly, Walker, Walpole, etc) available to the rest of the family, present and future.

Our blog is named Oh Spusch! mostly because Shannon is bad at naming things. The first post I put up includes a story about the time Walker's great grandfather took his whole family out to see a play and the littlest kept saying "Oh! Spusch!" No one ever figured out what she meant by that.