Surname Saturday 2.0: The Ronesses

The Roness Family
I have very little information on this branch of my Norwegian family. My connection to this line comes from my grandfather's great-grandmother, Henrikke Roness. Henrikke was the second wife of Johan Petter Bordewich, and had four children with him, three after their marriage, and one before. I know little about her life, or how she ended up with Johan, as she is the age of one of his children, not to mention the above mentioned child out of wedlock.

Her firstborn was Johan's second child out of wedlock. He lost his wife when he was in his forties, already had ten living children, several of which were approaching adulthood. When he became involved with one of the family's help and got her pregnant, he considered marrying her, but his children insisted he send both the woman and her child away. Johan did, though he provided for his child throughout her childhood. He later became involved with Henrikke, and in 1858, she gave birth to their first child. Again, Johan's children blocked his attempt to marry, but this time he refused to send Henrikke and her child away. The couple married two years later, despite his children's' objections, and my great-great grandmother Leonharde Marine was born two years later. She was named for Johan's first wife.

The family has many fascinating stories about Johan, but I find myself wondering about this woman, who was not only willing to have a child out of wedlock in a family where many of the members obviously did not appreciate her presence, but ended up marrying a man twenty years her senior and proceeded to have three more children with him. Granted, such disparate ages weren't entirely uncommon in the "old world," but by this time they were becoming less and less common, but I still think it makes her an interesting person to look at.

Unfortunately, I don't know anything for certain about her family, aside from one record and what I have found online in others' trees, which unfortunately tells me little. I only have one generation before hers in my tree, though I think I have found trees that go much further back. For now, I have ended with what little I have found in the records, (her wedding record, birth record, and her parents' wedding record) but I always keep looking when I am working on this branch of the tree.

My Roness line for those interested:

* Henrik Hansen, born 1793, married Susanne Pedersdatter in 1819 in Norway. I only have Henrikke listed for them, though I am uncertain where the Roness comes in. One of my Scandinavian friends mentioned that the spelling is unusual, and I did at one point find another spelling, Ronæs, which he said sounds much more plausible. I do not know when Henrik died.

* Henrikke was born Pauline Henrikke Roness in 1828 in Trondheim, Norway. She married Johan Bordewich 1860 in Nordland, Norway. They had four children together: Ida Amalie, Leonhard Marine, Anna Magdalena, and Petter Roness. She outlived Johan and died in 1892 in Nordland, Norway.
+ Ida was born 1858 in Nordland, Norway. She married Peder Martin Olsen 1881 in Nordland. They had six children: Johan Peter, Johan Henry Sofus, Margit Elise Roness, Astrid Susanne Groth, Halfrid, and Hans Henrik Bordewich. I have two more generations after her children, but no information beyond that. She died in 1930.
+ Leonharde was born 1861 in Nordland, Norway. She married her cousin Henrik Bergithon Bordewich (later Bordewick) in 1887. They had three sons: Bjarne, Harald, and Hans Henrik. For more about their family, consult the Bordewick surname post. Leonharde died in 1944, shortly after meeting her first great-grandchild.
+ Anna was born 1862. She married Aksel Magnus Kjelsberg (later Kelsberg) in 1890. They had five children: Astrid, Gudrun, Peter Bordewick, Sverre Hegge (called Al), and Harald Bordewich. I have two more generations after her children, but no information beyond that. She died in 1949.
+ Peter was born 1867. He married Margaret Taylor Priebke in 1891 in Scotland. They had seven children: Frederick Johan, Anne Cormack, Peter Magnus Roness, Eric, Cedric Theodore, John Stuart, and one boy that didn't last past infancy. I have information on two generations after his children, but no information beyond that. He died in 1956 in London, England.
+ Leonharde and Anna both ended up in Canada, and Peter lived in the UK for his entire adult life. Only Ida remained in Norway with her family.

What I don't know:

* I would like to know where the Roness comes from, and to firm up the information about Henrikke's parents.

* I'd also love to learn if she had any siblings.

* I'd also love any information about Henrikke and Johan's children aside from Leonharde's family. I've made some contact with the Kelsburgs, but I don't know much about the other two branches. We've lost touch, given the fact that they are in Europe, and we in America. So any contact with anyone from those branches would be great.

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About this blog

This blog is maintained by two sisters who have had a life long interest in geneology.
Mika writes here mostly about our family (Hansen, Hillinger, Bordewick, Park, etc), and her search for more information.
Shannon mostly uses this space as a place to make the many stories written about and by her husband's family (Holly, Walker, Walpole, etc) available to the rest of the family, present and future.

Our blog is named Oh Spusch! mostly because Shannon is bad at naming things. The first post I put up includes a story about the time Walker's great grandfather took his whole family out to see a play and the littlest kept saying "Oh! Spusch!" No one ever figured out what she meant by that.