Mystery Monday: Nice Dress

If the style of this dress wasn't from the latish 1800's, I would think this was my husband's father's mother, Anna Leona Matlack (née Walker). It could possibly her mother, Anna Leona Walker (née Potts), but I don't think it quite looks like her. Here is a picture that includes them both at a reasonably young age. my guess is that this is one of Anna Leona Walker's sisters. There parents were named Levi Boyer Pott and Sarah Potts, and the daughters I have listed for them are Cassadella Potts, Anna Leona Walker and Lila Potts. Anna Leona was born April 11, 1869 in MacLean, Illinois.


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About this blog

This blog is maintained by two sisters who have had a life long interest in geneology.
Mika writes here mostly about our family (Hansen, Hillinger, Bordewick, Park, etc), and her search for more information.
Shannon mostly uses this space as a place to make the many stories written about and by her husband's family (Holly, Walker, Walpole, etc) available to the rest of the family, present and future.

Our blog is named Oh Spusch! mostly because Shannon is bad at naming things. The first post I put up includes a story about the time Walker's great grandfather took his whole family out to see a play and the littlest kept saying "Oh! Spusch!" No one ever figured out what she meant by that.