I'm a bit behind on this. A few things came up in the last few weeks, so I've been distracted. But hopefully I'll be back on track these next two Fridays, because starting the first I'll be doing NaNoWriMo for the fifth time, which means I'll be very distracted for most of November.
But as soon as that is over, I plan to get back on track, and maybe write a good deal more on Oline.
Today I have the letter from their cousin Ingrid Hansen; a letter from Marilyn to her siblings containing the letter she received from Evelyn Deats, who was Uncle Hans's caretaker when they got back in touch with him; her response to Evelyn; and a second letter from the Ringsted Archives.
As always, I've taken out any personal addresses and first names of family still living aside from Aunt Marilyn have been changed to initials. Also, any misspellings have been left as they were written to preserve the feel of the original document.
Alsted, den 31. marts 1987.
Dear Marilyn,
Thank you for your letter, and for the foto.
We are looking forward to see you here in Denmark.
We hoped very much, that you arrive after the 3rd of June.
We are in Norway from the 26th of May, until the 3rd of June, and will be very sorry, if we do not see you.
In your letter, you asked for our telephone number, here it comes: 03 64 82 37.
We do not speake English, so we hope, your cousin Karen Margrethe will call us, when you arrive Copenhagen, and we hope, she will be helpful, when we meet you.
Will you please send the name and address of the family in Jylland.
We will then take contact with them.
Your cousin
Ingrid Hansen.
(signed) Ingrid Oline Hansen
Sunday evening, April 5
Dear Torben and Maggie:
Following is a copy of the letter I received from Evelyn Deats of Omaha:
Dear Marilyn,
I am Hans' step-daughter in law. I am the one who takes care of his mail, his business and visits him every Thursday. Your letter came yesterday but I won't be able to get to Hans for a few days as we are snowed in as you can see by the papers.
I don't think Hans could call you on the phone. He is very deaf. He has a Hearing Aid but doesn't wear it much as he has an infection in the ear and goes to Uni. Hosp. Almost every week for treatments. So glad to hear from you as the only address I had was Kai Hansen and I wrote him about Hans.
Hans address is Douglas County Hospital
4102 Woolworth Ave., Room 424
Omaha 68105
On July 6, 1 day after his 96 birthday he had a gall bladder operation at Lutheran Hospital. He was very sick as it had damage his liver and colon and was there till the end of July when the Doctor had him moved by ambulance to County (this is more of a rest home, but they do have a couple od doctors therepart time. It’s a very old building but he gets wonderful care, its clean, and the nurses dearly love him. His mind is so clear, and his sense of humor so great, they have lots of fun with him. Mostly colored nurses but so kind, most of them call his "pop" and call to him as they pass his door and always stop to say "hi" to me when I visit.
Hans is the only one they can visit with as most of the patients are in wheel chairs and most don't know where they are. I've thought of moving him but decided it's best to leave well enough alone.
I got him on Medicaid now so that helps financially. They take most of his social security but leave enough for me to buy his personal things each month. My husband Marcel, his step son, is getting senile and not much help, and Elene, his step-daughter, is getting senile and is no help at all. She was in hospital and rest homes from July 30 till mid Oct. and I went to see her several times a week and took care of her finances. She's back in her apt. now.
I wound up in hospital the last week of Febr. With a bleeding ulcer from all the extra responsibility so now I just take care of Hans. I'll be 80 in June and I wear a back brace so I don't get around much but I still drive the car so if you come by plane let me know so I can meet you. Hans and I have had some good talks about Denmark and his family. I found an old album with pictures of his family in it. I'll take it to hospital when you come and he can tell you about them. I hope he will give it to you as it wont' mean anything to us. After he moved to County I asked him about hisfolks names he said his mother was an Olsen with an "E" but it took some time to remember her first name and then gave me his fathers name and said he died when he was 3 or 4 years old. I've really got to know Hans since he's been at County. When he was in his apt. we didn't see him much as he was independent, didn't need help but always came to our house for Thanksgiving and Christmas. He was known as the Mayor of Park Ave. He walked down to the church to the site for his noon meal each day and was always a hit with the ladies. I know you will enjoy him. Awaiting your visit.
Evelyn Deats
[address redacted]
P.S. It looks like we are snowed in for several days. Had to go out the front door only have a narrow path from side door to garage. Neighbor tried to use our snow blower on it but it got clogged up. Beats all, had such a mild winter – no snow – and now with early flowers out and trees budded this has to come. Have grandson stranded in St. Louis till planes can fly again. Live in Nebr. And you find a variety of weather that's for sure. Hope you can read this. I miss my son's elec. Type-writer. He's in Palm Springs for a few weeks. Drove an old couple out there.
Maggie: Torben called this morning. He has reservations on United Flight #277 April 25 arriving in Omaha at 9:57 AM. He'll meet us at the baggage place if we miss him at the gate. He leaves Tuesday the 28th at 9:30 AM. Those flights are very convenient to ours.
Torben has agreed to bring his tape recorder. I think it's younger and less bulky than mine. I will ask Mrs. Deats to have 2 rooms reserved for us at a motel reasonably close to where Uncle Hans is staying. Maggie, would you please ask R to arrange for a car rental for us when we arrive at the Omaha airport? I bought my ticket directly from United, so I don't have an agent to go through for the car.
Torben: Maggie and I will meet in Denver and fly from there to Omaha on the same plane: United #280, arriving in Omaha at 8:36AM. We leave Tuesday the 28th on United #667 at 7:35 AM.
Tomorrow morning I start 2 weeks of jury duty in Riverside, and on Easter Sunday we'll host a dinner here for the Sanborns, Johnsons, Sauters, Alexanders and N Hansen. Then it's off to Omaha and an adventure I never dreamed would happen!!
Keep in touch.
[address redacted]
April 5, 1987
Mrs Evelyn Deats
[address redacted]
Dear Evelyn,
The long distance telephone lines have been busy between here and Seattle and Cleveland since I received your letter. Thank you for writing such a nice, newsy letter.
You wrote me that you had written to a Kai Hansen about Hans. Would you please give me his address?
My brother and sister and I are planning to fly to Omaha on Saturday, April 25. Our planes all arrive in Omaha at about the same hour (8:30 Am and 9:57 AM), so we will rent a car at the airport when we arrive. We have reservations to leave Omaha early the morning of Tuesday, April 28.
May we ask that you call a motel to reserve rooms for us that are reasonably near Douglas County Hsopital? We will need one room for Mr. Torben Hansen of Cleveland, Ohio, an one double room for my sister Mrs. Margaret Hillinger of Seattle, Washington, and myself to share. A reasonable price would be about $40 per night per room. We will need the rooms for 3 nights – the nights of April 25, 26 and 27. Tomorrow I begin two weeks of jury duty; otherwise we would be able to visit Uncle Hans earlier. I do hope we don't tire him out too much with 3 days of visiting, but I could not obtain a return flight at a reasonable price earlier than Tuesday.
If you have any suggestions of somewhere we might take Uncle Hans for a drive or a meal, we would appreciate your telling us. And of course we will telephone you as soon as we arrive.
Thank you very much for your help. We look forward to meeting you.
Marilyn Weare
Marilyn, Maggie and Torben visited with their uncle Hans on April 25, 26, and 27th. The notes for that visit can be found
Ringsted, May, 10th, 1987.
Dear Mrs. Marilyn Hansen Weare.
Mr. Kjaer-Hansen, who has made the research concerning your family has got a letter from your cousin, Ulla and has asked me to translate it to English, which I am pleased to do. (I enclose the original letter)
"Dear Marilyn.
It certainly was a surprise to hear signs of life from our cousin in America, but it was a pity that it was not many years ago. I remember tha Father many times said, "If only I knew where Line's children were".
For many years, you know, we did not hear from Uncle Hans, either. but then suddenly there came at letter, and as far as I remember he had been married for 18 years. I think that Father had him searched for by the Salvation Army, -- without result.
Frede has been here to-day and has shown me your letter. It must have been very nice for you to meet Uncle, and nice for him as well. After Father and Mother died I took over the Christmas letters, -- it rarely became more, but a sign of life is also good.
You ask if we cousins know each other. Yes we do, for we don't live far from one another, and I live next to your mother's uncle's farm, but it has just changed hands.
We are still having visits from Mr. Kjaer-Hansen from the localhistory archieves, with whom you have been corresponding. He is doing a good piece of work for us.
We are looking forward to seeing you. Give our love to your two cousins and to Margaret and Torben.
Love to you from mu husband and myself
Yours Ulla. ".
Translation by N.J. Hansen
Mr. Kjaer-Hansen asked me to send you the "family-tree", and we hope that you understand it, but we can talt about it, when you come.
Kind regards, (signed) N.J. Hansen.
The family tree referred to in the letter detailed the Hansen family starting with Oline's parents and going through their grandchildren. I have a photocopy, which also included this picture of their children:
L-R: Top: Oline, Herman, Maren Hansine
Bottom: Ole, Johanne, HansIf any family members would like a copy, just contact me and I will get it scanned in so you can have one. My copy isn't the best, but it is a wonderful record to have.
I still have a good deal more to come: another letter from Evelyn, and much more from Marylin, including a summary of her trip to Denmark. I'll do my best to get at least some of that up next week.